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New Taildragger Pilot: Nick Civetz
Dec 11 2012Congratulations to Nick Civetz, who completed his tailwheel endorsement in our Savage Cub N800NA with instructors Jim Grant, Mark Guerrero, and Zdravko Podolski. Great job Nick!

Nick Civetz with CFI Zdravko Podolski outside N800NA
New Zlin Savage Pilot: Pierluigi Rolando
Aug 17 2011Congratulations to Pierluigi Rolando who added another airplane checkout to his portfolio. Pierluigi checked out in the Zlin Savage Cub with CFI Daniel Most.
Well done Pierluigi and Daniel
News: Zlin 800NA back on the schedule
Mar 04 2011Ok everyone, Zlin Savage Classic 800NA is back on line. Come and fly her. She will challenge you and make you think you have forgotten how to use your feet. Once mastered, she will takeoff and land in less than 300′.
Check it out landing at the Santa Clara County Model Airplane Airpark ( ignore the joker with the radio control and no, do not try this without prior authorization!)
Have fun and be safe!