twin comanche
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New Multi-Engine Instructor – Petra Johansson Holland
Nov 27 2018Date: November 15, 2018
Certification: Multi-Engine Instructor
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Instructor: Jen Watson
We are so pleased to have Petra flying with us and soon teaching with us! Petra and her husband Scott came to fly our Twin Comanche. Soon after, Scott began tailwheel with us, and Petra re-instated her CFI, CFII and added MEI to her list of flying capabilities. After a trip to her home in Finland, Petra will be back to teach future multi-engine students. Way to make a first-time pass of this checkride!

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Kelsey Moore
Sep 24 2018Date: September 15, 2018
Certification: Commercial Multi-Engine
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Instructor: David Waksberg & Jen Watson
While most of us would be thrilled to pilot such a single-engine plane like the Pilatus, Kelsey just added multi-engine rating to her license so she can qualify for airline and corporate jobs. With a dedication to studying that most of us only dream of having, Kelsey completely rocked her Commercial Multi-Engine checkride with Eric. We are so proud! And to celebrate…she hopped into her first tailwheel flight and now has another passion to pursue. Welcome to the AeroDynamic family, Kelsey!

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Matt Bragen
Apr 07 2018Date: March 28, 2018
Certification: Commercial Multi-Engine
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Instructor: David Waksberg
Another notch in the pilot belt for Matt! After completing his CFI with us a few years ago, Matt has now accumulated enough flight hours to be a candidate for the airlines. With his Single- and Multi-engine Commercial Pilot License, he will soon be flying right seat on a commercial airliner! It’s great to see your success, Matt! Congrats to CFI David for another amazing job.

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Brian Hendrix
Apr 05 2018Date: March 26, 2018
Certification: Commercial Multi-Engine
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Instructor: David Waksberg
Brian, a Southwest Airlines flight attendant, has been pursing a career as an airline pilot. Really, who doesn’t want that? Recently he reached a major milestone in earning his license to fly aircraft with more than one engine. This Multi-Engine Commercial Pilot License allows him to move into the airlines and realize his dream. We are so glad you came to our school for flight training! Congrats to CFI David for all his hard work, too. Way to go, guys!

New Multi-Engine Pilot – JP O’Dell
Dec 31 2017Date: December 31, 2017
Certification: Commercial Multi-Engine
Instructor: Jen Watson
Last November JP earned his Instrument Rating with us. In March he earned his Private Pilot Multi-Engine Rating. Today JP added Airplane Multi-Engine Land to his Commercial Pilot License! Talk about coming in under the wire for a New Year’s Resolution 😉 JP is a full-time student of aeronautics at Cal Poly in Santa Barbara and often gets to fly cool airplanes with his dad, who is an airline and corporate pilot. It has been such a pleasure to be part of your journey. Maybe one day soon we will see you teaching in our Twin Comanche, aka “Twinkie.” Good luck out there and keep the dirty side down.
Examiner: Eric Cook
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Checkride Location:
Salinas, CA (KSNS)

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Sandro Filho
Nov 02 2017Date: October 28, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Multi-Engine Commercial Pilot
Another successful Multi-Engine Commercial Pilot graduates under Instructor David’s excellent training! Sandro flew our Twin Comanche to Hayward to meet with the examiner and walked out with a new pilot credential: multi-engine rating. Nice job on a first-time pass! You’ll have to join our next fly-out dinner 🙂
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Checkride Location:
Hayward, CA (KHWD)

New Multi-Engine Pilot – JP O’Dell
Mar 09 2017Date: March 3, 2017
Instructor: Jen Delp-Mallet
Certification: Multi-Engine Private Pilot
After recently earning his instrument rating with us, Monterey-based pilot JP O’Dell mastered our Twin Comanche in just 12 short hours and passed his checkride on the first attempt! Despite being a full-time student and avid athlete, JP made time to study the Twin Comanche’s systems, emergencies, and engine-inop procedures. JP plans to continue on to a career in aviation (hopefully becoming a CFI for us), but for now the lucky 19-year-old has access to fly a Beechcraft Baron for a number of hours while he works toward his Commercial Pilot License.
Try to avoid shutting down an engine anytime soon, and we will see you in a few months for that next pilot certification.
Examiner: Yuzo Wakita
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Checkride Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Image: Right engine shutdown (feathered) in flight.

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Reid Raisanen
Feb 16 2017Date: February 14, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Multi-engine Commercial Pilot
Guess what Reid was up to this Valentine’s Day? Earning a first-time checkride pass…multi-engine add-on to Commercial Pilot Certificate! Reid is a flight instructor at another great flight school in the Bay Area, and he came to AeroDynamic to fly our Twin Comanche with Instructor David. Congrats to them both on this hard-earned rating. Thanks for flying with us and have fun at the airlines!
“I started flying at 16 in Minnesota and since the economy improved, picked it up again seriously at 26. Since I have all requirements for ATP but multi, I asked around SCFC, where I instruct, for a recommendation. I learned about David and Aerodynamic, flew until it was done. People were friendly, the location was solid, and the airplane was maintained well. Next I will continue the airline interview process. Hope the economy stays strong!” ~ Reid
Examiner: Yuzo Wakita
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Checkride Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)

New Multi-Engine Pilot – John Drozdowsky
Jan 31 2017Date: January 26, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Multi-engine Commercial Pilot
John came to us from Anchorage, Alaska, to earn his multi-engine commercial pilot certificate. Instructor David worked long days with John to complete the ground and flight portions of the transition to multi-engine. After a few weather delays, John passed his checkride with examiner Yuzo and flew back to Alaska the same afternoon. Congrats to them both on all the hard work!
Examiner: Yuzo Wakita
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Checkride Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)

New Commercial Multi-Engine Pilot – Ghyrn Loveness
Nov 07 2016Date: October 20, 2016
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Certification: Multi-Engine Rating, Commercial Pilot
Ghyrn comes from a family of flyers and chose AeroDynamic Aviation to pursue a multi-engine rating add-on to his Commercial Pilot Certificate. His Instructor David did an amazing job, finishing the training in just 8 flights! It helps that Ghyrn flies regularly and has accrued over 1,000 hours 🙂 Still, they both worked hard and Ghyrn passed his checkride first attempt with Examiner Yuzo Wakita. Ghyrn has already been spotted taking friends out flying in the Twin Comanche, affectionately called “Twinkie.” Well done!