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First Solo Flight – Greg Seibert
Dec 05 2016Solo Date: November 22, 2016
Aircraft: Evektor SportStar
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Congrats to Greg on his first solo! Greg flew 3 takeoffs and landings at Reid-Hillview (KRHV) in the SportStar with Instructor David watching carefully.
“I’ve always been fascinated by things that fly. Becoming a pilot was on my ‘bucket list.’ On the first flight with David when he said, ‘Take the controls,’ I was forever hooked. Major Awesomeness ensued. It was the first time I was sitting in something that I was flying.
I’ve been flying various model aircraft using radio signals for over 30 years. Last year when the FAA announced its rules for piloting drones professionally, it finally gave me the justification for spending the time and money to become a pilot.
I’ve been an engineer for 36 years and am looking forward to doing something different. My Dream Retirement Job would be to fly UAS for a public safety organization. Getting my pilot’s license is the first step toward realizing that dream.

First Solo Flight – Martin Ellis
Nov 28 2016Solo Date: November 22, 2016
Aircraft: Evektor SportStar
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
He’s rocking out his flight training toward a Sport Pilot Certificate. On fair-weather Tuesday, Martin passed the solo mark on his way to that coveted license-to-fly! With the checkride not far off, he’s well on his way to realizing a life-long dream 🙂
“I’ve wanted to fly for almost as long as I can remember…. over the years though the timing never seemed right…. too busy at work, not enough spare cash, weather too unpredictable (I lived in London for about a decade…).  About a year ago I moved to the bay area, and thought ‘it’s now or never’.  One flight with Jason, and I was hooked!  I find that from the moment I arrive at KRHV, to the moment I leave, all the stresses of life are gone and I’m 100% focused on flying, and love every minute of it!” ~ Martin

New Sport Pilot – Deirdre Smith
Sep 01 2016Date: August 22, 2016
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: Lincoln, CA (KLHM)
Certification: Sport Pilot License
Congrats to Deirdre and instructor David for a first-time pass on her Sport Pilot checkride!!! Deirdre flew to Lincoln airport for her practical test with examiner Jim Hensen. Despite the unfamiliar area, Deirdre navigated her way through the cross-country, diversion, and maneuvers with no problems. Welcome to the family!

New Sport Pilot – Duncan Clark
May 25 2016Date: May 24, 2016
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Certification: Sport Pilot License
Duncan Clark successfully completed his Sport Pilot checkride! We love making new pilots 🙂 Duncan started his checkride with examiner Jim Henson at 8 am in Sacramento, arriving back at Reid hillview at 4 pm. Duncan has been trained by instructor Jason primarily in SportStar 712MF.
Way to kick butt, Duncan!

First Solo – Ryan Desharnais
May 17 2016Solo Date: May 10, 2016
Aircraft: Evektor SportStar
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Ryan is a drone operator getting his Sport Pilot license in order to fly drones commercially. His instructor, Jason, said he was afraid of flying at first, terrified on his first lesson. Ryan was able to conquer his fear and is now soloing the airplane. We are all inspired by his attitude toward challenges and new-found love of aviation.
Way to go, Ryan!!

New Sport Pilot – Jeff Fortner
Apr 16 2016Date: April 14, 2016
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: Lincoln, CA (KLHM)
Certification: Sport Pilot
Welcome to our family of aviators! Jeff passed his Sport Pilot checkride out of Lincoln airport with DPE Jim Hensen. Jeff trained out of our Reid-Hillview and plans to take his wife to Half Moon Bay for his first flight with a passenger. Congrats to you and your instructor for making this first checkride a “big, ol’ pass!”

First solo – Zak Freedman
Mar 26 2016Date: March 22, 2016
Aircraft: Evektor SportStar
Instructor: Casey Walker
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
UAV pilot and photographer, Zak Freedman, began Sport Pilot training in Monterey and recently soloed the SportStar out of our Reid-Hillview location. Zak came to us as a drone pilot but seems to have fallen in love with flying. After he finishes his Sport Pilot License, he plans to continue on with his Private Pilot License and possibly more. We tried to warn him – Aviation is Addicting! His instructor Casey did an excellent job teaching him the skills to fly solo and soon pass his checkride. Way to go, Zak & Casey!

First Solo – Kela Pinto
Feb 18 2016Kela comes to us from Hawaii to finish his Sport Pilot License. He owns his own company that flies UAVs.
Solo date: February 15, 2016
Aircraft: SportStar N712MF
Instructor: Tom Morley
First Solo – Jeff Fortner
Jan 16 2016Congratulation to Jeff Fortner on soloing 712MF! Jeff is now only a few short steps away from finishing up his Sport Pilot training and earning his license!
Thank you to CFI David Waksberg for all of your hard work and instruction getting Jeff ready for this once in a lifetime moment!
Four in 24!
Nov 20 2015We are proud to announce four passed checkrides in the last 24 hours!
We had 2 Private Pilot checkrides and a Sport pilot checkride today. Congratulations to Derek Eukel, Marton Kun-Szabo, and Carlo Chung! Congrats again to Matt Bragen on passing his CFI checkride.
Thank you to all of the AeroDynamic Aviation instructors and the DPEs who made this all happen!