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First Solo Flight – Andrew Wilson
Oct 30 2020Solo Date: September 9, 2020
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H
Instructor: Mitchell Templeton
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)

First Solo Flight – Ivan Zarate
May 29 2019Solo Date: May 8, 2019
Aircraft: Cessna 172 – N54102
Instructors: Travis Mills
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“Growing up, I would see the Blue Angels fly by my house during the Salinas Airshow and I would wonder how fun it would be to fly an airplane. As it turns out it is much more exciting than I have ever imagine.” ~ Ivan
Congrats on your first solo!

First Solo Flight – Chris Severs
Feb 06 2018Aircraft: Citabria N2508Z
Instructor: Lynzie Hudson
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Solo Date: January 31, 2018
Citabria N2508Z has been busy! Our newest student pilot solo goes to Chris Severs, who took 08Z around the pattern a few times on his first tailwheel solo. Chris began flight training many years ago in a Diamond Katana in SoCAL and recently started training for his Private Pilot Certificate in a tailwheel with Lynzie. Nicely done!

First Solo Flight – Thao Do
Jul 03 2017Solo Date: May 27, 2017
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Dick Chang
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
A big shout out to Thao, who successfully completed her first solo flight in Cessna N12234. Instructor Dick Chang watched like a proud papa as Thao flew 3 takeoffs and landings on Runways 31R and 31L without him sitting next to her.
Thao came to AeroDynamic for an aerobatic thrill ride with our Chief Instructor, Jen, and she has become a cheery face at our school. She is an incredibly accomplished woman who is quickly adding “pilot” to her list of capabilities.
Thao filmed her flight to share with all of us, prospective and experienced pilots, her incredible experience. Click here to see her YouTube video.

First Solo – Sheryl Martin
Jul 14 2016Solo Date: June 30, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Ron Vlastelica
Location: New Jerusalem, CA (1Q4)
Sheryl Martin flew her first solo at New Jerusalem airport, her second at San Martin airport (E16) and her third at her primary training airport, Reid-Hillview. She began training with Ron in her Cessna 172 with 180-hp.
Sheryl moves to Auburn in a few days but plans to continue her flight training with us, moving into cross-country training and checkride prep. Her instructor says she has done a great job with studying and made fast progress.

First Solo – Adam Lantos
Jun 25 2016Solo Date: June 11, 2016
Aircraft: Citabria 7ECA
Instructor: David Pease
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Like many of us, Adam’s interest in planes started when he was just a kid. And like so many of us, his addiction hit when another AeroDynamic pilot took him for a glider flight and Citabria flight. This led him to an introductory flight in the Cessna and Citabria, but he felt (ahem…correctly) that tailwheel was much more fun.
For right now Adam doesn’t have serious plans for a career in aviation; he just wants the experience of learning a new skill and mastering it. He feels flying the Citabria demands precision and discipline, but also rewards him with a feeling of accomplishment and a stronger pair of legs 🙂
Once the hard work of earning his Private Pilot’s License is out of the way, Adam plans to explore, have the perspective from above (watching all the little people stuck in traffic), and go to various places. Eventually he plans to continue his training to include some basic aerobatics, mountain flying lessons, and maybe take up IFR when he decides to venture out of California and travel farther afield.
From all of us aviation addicts – way to go and keep up the hard work, Adam!

First Solo – Paul Weller
Jun 06 2016Solo Date: May 31, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Jamie Redding
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Paul grew up in the backseat of his father’s C190 and later Navion. He started his private pilot training 20 years ago, but discontinued due to life events. Now retired, Paul plans to finish his Private Pilot License, get his glider rating, as well as maintain currency flying a Cessna 172. He flies because it’s fun!

First Solo – Craig Reid
May 25 2016Solo Date: May 24, 2016
Aircraft: Citabria 7ECA
Instructor: Jason Brown & Batelle Rachmian
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Craig completed his first solo flight today in Citabria 9091L. He flew the pattern at Reid-Hillview (KRHV) with his instructor supervising from below, landing on runway 31R.
Craig used to be afraid of G forces but now loves the feeling. He is a geological engineer and starting flying so that he can go places more quickly. He wants to “go see geology where you can’t normally get to.”

First Solo – Ryan Desharnais
May 17 2016Solo Date: May 10, 2016
Aircraft: Evektor SportStar
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Ryan is a drone operator getting his Sport Pilot license in order to fly drones commercially. His instructor, Jason, said he was afraid of flying at first, terrified on his first lesson. Ryan was able to conquer his fear and is now soloing the airplane. We are all inspired by his attitude toward challenges and new-found love of aviation.
Way to go, Ryan!!

First Solo – Jason Orlic
May 03 2016Solo Date: May 1, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Eric Curtis
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Whoot whoot! Congrats to Jason who soloed Cessna N98485 on a beautful Sunday afternoon at Reid-Hillview. Instructor Eric could not be more happy for you, and a big high five from all the AeroDynamic gang! Onward and upward to your next achievement…Private Pilot License.