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Cessna Restoration – The New N968RC
Apr 19 2016Our Salinas-based Cessna gets a makeover!
- Stripped & prepped
- A few coats later…
and here is the new and improved Cessna 968RC!
Thanks to Potts Painting in Salinas and Jeff at San Jose Fuel for putting in so much effort to make this plane look amazing. Thanks to our renters and students for their patience while we upgrade our fleet. Cessna 8RC is back in Salinas and available starting today!

New Instrument-Rated Taildragger Pilot!
Mar 04 2016Date: Feb 27, 2016
Certification: Instrument Rating, Citabria 7GCAA
Location: Salinas, CA
Jim Shumaker, president of the EAA chapter in Salinas and many more such accomplishments, once trained with Amelia Reid herself. He challenges himself regularly with aerobatics and backcountry flying, but more recently he earned his instrument rating in his own Citabria 7GCAA!
With a panel consisting of 6-pack analog instruments and VOR/DME, Jim mastered the challenges of flying in the clouds with a stick and rudder airplane. Jim trained with Chief Instructor, Jen Delp-Mallet, out of his home airport in Salinas, CA. She couldn’t be more proud of his hard work and dedication to mastering this rating. Congrats!!!
Jen’s Decathlon with Jim’s GCAA
New AeroDynamic Instructor
May 13 2015Congratulations to Casey Walker and his CFI Jen Delp-Mallet!!
AeroDynamic is pleased to announce we have a new instructor joining our ranks! Casey initially completed his tailwheel training with us, and yesterday finished his CFI (flight instructor) checkride with Jordan from SJC FSDO. You will find Casey teaching primarily at our Monterey and Salinas locations, and soon he will be teaching in our tailwheel aircraft at all 3 locations. Great job on all the hardwork, Casey!
Private Pilot Checkride Passed – Ryan Marks
Feb 14 2015Congratulatations to our newest certified pilot, Ryan Marks, who passed his Private Pilot checkride with Examiner Yuzo Wakita on our trusty Cessna 172, N968RC.
Well done also to Ryan’s CFI Mike Popovitch.
Cessna 8RC now has a DME
Oct 07 2012We have added a DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) unit to Cessna 968RC (one of our Cesna 172P planes in Salinas).
So what, you may ask. It turns out that a DME allows a huge number of instrument approaches to be flown that cannot be flown with just two NAV radios and ADF. For example Monterey LOC/DME 28L which is the most commonly used approach into Monterey. Other approaches can be flown more accurately with a DME and sometimes to lower minima. Yet unlike most GPS navigators, a DME is simple to configure and simple to use.
Enjoy it!
New Sport Pilot: Stefan Mens
Aug 23 2012Stefan came all the way from Switzerland to earn his Sport Pilot license with us. In less than a month, without too much stress, flying a couple of hours a day, Stefan achieved his goal and is now the proud holder of a Sport Pilot license.
Congratulations and well done to Stefan and his instructor Ben!
Going Solo: Stefan Mens flies the SportStar
Aug 16 2012Another fledgling leaves the nest!
Well done to Stefan Mens who successfully soloed the Evektor SportStar at Hollister and Salinas airports.
Stefan came all the way from Switzerland and is working on his Sport Pilot license.
Congratulations again to Stefan and his instructor Ben Ellsworth.
First Endorsement of the New Year: Mona Kendrick
Jan 02 2012The very first endorsement of the New Year happened in Salinas on New Year’s Day. Mona Kendrick earned her Complex Airplane sign off in our Cessna 172RG, N616SF, from Instructor Tom Conklin.
Mona’s next goal is to get her Commercial Pilot License.
Well done Mona and a Hapy New Year to you!
News: Salinas gets a Webcam
Aug 23 2011The airport management at Salinas has installed a webcam for your enjoyment and edification. It sits on the terminal looking at the ramp. Getting to it is somewhat complex but it does work as long as you have Java. Here are the instructions:
First type in the web address:
This will take you to a configuration screen. In the upper left hand corner click on “Viewer”. A security screen will then pop up. In the User Name Box type ramp cam (two words) in the Password Box type sns .
Many of you will then be directed to download and install an Active X Control. (Some of you may already have this installed). Follow the directions for downloading and installing the Active X Control (You may have to deal with your computers security system to accomplish this.)
Once the control is installed click on “Viewer” again. You will again receive a pop up screen for the security questions. Answer the questions the same as the first time this should get you to the webcam.
Good luck and enjoy!
Going Solo: Sean Sweeney
Aug 17 2011Cessna 8RC
Another fledgling leaves the nest!
Congratulations to Sean Sweeney who soloed in a Cessna 172 at Salinas Airport. Well done Sean and CFI John Anzini.