private pilot
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New Private Pilot – Cameron Fitchener
Oct 06 2021Private Pilot Checkride: September 14, 2021
Instructor: Graham Harbman
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“My Dad is a recreational Cessna driver back home in Australia who inspired me and was teaching me about stalls, pitch for speed, power for altitude while I was still in nappies. I have 4 kids who I’m hoping to inspire in a similar way.” ~ Cameron

New Private Pilot – Craig Stanley
Sep 27 2021Private Pilot Checkride: September 9, 2021
Instructor: Thao Do
Aircraft: Cessna N12234
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Congrats to Craig on a first-time pass of his Private Pilot checkride with DPE Tom Hornak! His instructor Thao is incredibly proud.

New Private Pilot – Kevin Healy
Sep 08 2021Private Pilot Checkride: August 26, 2021
Instructors: Daryll and Steph
Aircraft: Cessna N915L
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Kevin passed his Private Pilot checkride with DPE Jon Thornton on his first try. Congrats to him and CFIs Steph & Daryll from our Monterey location. Well done, all!

New Private Pilot – Sandor Nagy
Sep 04 2021Private Pilot Checkride: August 22, 2021
Instructors: Steph and Tom
Aircraft: Cessna N915L
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Whoot whoot, Sandor! Way to rock the Private Pilot checkride and earn your first set of pilot wings!
“Reaching this milestone has been my dream since childhood. As a kid, I rode my bicycle to the Concord (KCCR) airport, watched planes, and listened to pilots on an aviation radio that I purchased with my savings. Over the decades several of my closest friends have pursued private aviation, and now it was my turn. Learning to fly in the Monterey Bay area has been a thrill. I look forward to flying up and down the West Coast to explore new places with family and friends. Looking down from 5,000 feet reminds me about the importance of protecting this very special place we call Earth….see you in the skies!” ~ Sandor

New Private Pilot – Lainey Rogers
Sep 01 2021Private Pilot Checkride: August 17, 2021
Instructor: Skyler Tan
Aircraft: Cessna N54102
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
- First solo on July 28
- Licensed pilot on Aug 17
Way to rock it out! Lainey did an amazing job with studying and flying during her summer break from college, and she capped it off with a first-time pass of her Private Pilot checkride. Lainey’s dad also flies with us, and we all couldn’t be more proud of her. Oh, the places you will go! Hope to see you next summer for the instrument rating.

AeroDynamic Aviation on World’s Greatest TV!
Aug 31 2021We are incredibly honored to be featured on World’s Greatest TV show for their choice of Flight School. Our historic school began in 1960 and has trained thousands of pilots since then. We are thankful to every student, pilot, instructor, mechanic and office person who contributed to make us the World’s Greatest Flight School!

New Private Pilot – Mandy Hatfield
Aug 24 2021Private Pilot Checkride: August 8, 2021
Instructor: Bentley Mundle
Aircraft: Cessna N53456
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
“The past year and half has been an life altering, whirlwind for many of us. While I saw many lose there jobs or have they’re jobs put on on hold, I also watched my coworkers work tirelessly to care for sick patients, exhausting themselves both physically, mentally and emotionally. I had several coworkers retire early, quit, or have to go out on medical leave because of the emotional toll the pandemic took on many of us in healthcare. In October of last year I took a break from my job and went to Alaska and flew with a female pilot through the massive expanse of Denali National Park, landing on top of one of it many glaciers. It was at this point that I decided I wanted to learn how to fly as I knew it would give me a focus, a goal, and a passion to follow during a time in which many in my field felt tired, lost and hopeless. I am extremely grateful to have been able to learn and experience all that aviation has to offer. It definitely gives some perspective to the worlds problems as everything looks much smaller from seat of a Cessna, and more peaceful with headset.:)” ~ Mandy

New Private Pilot – Ashray Gogte
Aug 23 2021Private Pilot Checkride: August 5, 2021
Instructor: Sara Stumpf
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Congrats to Ashray and CFI Sara for earning his first set of wings with DPE John Ewing!

New Private Pilot – Ruslan Mubarakzyanov
Aug 10 2021Private Pilot Checkride: July 27, 2021
Instructors: Mitchell Templeton & Thao Do
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“I’m excited to pass my private checkride! I plan to continue my training to earn my instrument, commercial, and ATP certificates and fly for the airlines. I also dream to buy my own small airplane and fly in Alaska someday.
I started flying because I enjoy seeing the beauty of the world from the sky. I completed stage checks with Graham, Sara, and Cheryl, and trained with Mitchell and Thao. I liked that training was structured and instructors were truly interested in your success. The training at Aerodynamics has been outstanding!” ~ Ruslan

New Private Pilot – Kenton Roberts
Jul 31 2021Private Pilot Checkride: July 9, 2021
Instructor: Zibin “Benny” He
Aircraft: Cessna N61637
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
A big shout out to Kenton for passing his Private Pilot checkride with DPE John Ewing this month. Whoot whoot!