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First Solo Flight – Elliot Young
Feb 17 2017Solo Date: February 15, 2017
Aircraft: Citabria 7ECA
Instructor: Batelle Rachmian
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Thanks to this unusual weather California is experiencing, student pilot Elliot Young patiently waited over a month to finally take his first solo flight. Some things are worth the wait, like the first time you takeoff in a taildragger without an instructor in the backseat. At first the quietness, there’s no instructor shouting “more right rudder!” from behind you, then the taste of freedom as you realize it’s really just you and your flying machine, and finally the exhilaration as you bring that airplane in for landing…ALL…BY…YOURSELF! Congrats on this amazing accomplishment to both Elliot and Batelle.

First Solo Flight – Dale Friday
Nov 07 2016Solo Date: November 2, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Chris Laird
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Woooohoooo! After working so diligently to fulfill his life-long dream of being a pilot, Dale flew an aircraft all by himself out of Monterey’s class Charlie airspace with Instructor Chris and some of the Monterey AeroDynamic family watching in support. In the long-held solo tradition, Dale’s instructor cut his shirttail off and autographed it in remembrance of this first solo flight. Congrats to both of them on this accomplishment. You’re almost there, Dale!!

AeroDynamic Aviation makes AOPA’s Honor Roll!
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the world’s largest aviation association, has recognized AeroDynamic Aviation for its high standard of accomplishment in flight training. The flight school has been awarded a spot on the 2016 Flight Training Excellence Awards Honor Roll, a title given to high scoring flight schools from AOPA’s annual flight training poll.
AOPA’s Flight Training Excellence Awards were created to highlight the best flight training the industry has to offer. “This year’s winners are great examples of high quality and effective flight training. The recognition is well deserved,” said Chris Moser, AOPA’s senior manager of flight training initiatives. “The Flight Training Excellence Awards were created to recognize best practices in flight training—excellent customer service, quality education, community development, and sharing knowledge. We are excited to spotlight their excellent work.”
The 2016 awards were drawn from flight students and pilots who voluntarily reviewed their flight training experience last summer through an AOPA online poll. The process yielded an evaluation of 789 different flight schools and 1,515 individual flight instructors.
AeroDynamic would like to thank all its students, renters and flight instructors who worked hard for this honor and nominated us. Thanks to them, we also recently earned Cloud9 Living’s Legendary Experience Provider Award and Best of Groupon. You are all appreciated!
AeroDynamic Aviation began flight training in 1960 in San Jose and expanded to Salinas and Monterey within the last decade. This historic school began as Amelia Reid Aviation and continues to operate with vintage, tailwheel, aerobatic, tricycle-gear, complex and multi-engine aircraft. Their Monterey location recently earned the title of Cirrus Training Center as well. For more information about flight training at AeroDynamic Aviation, visit their website at www.aerodynamicaviation.com

Two New Commercial Drone Pilots!
Sep 01 2016Quick to react to new Drone Pilot licensing policy, two AeroDynamic instructors hopped on IACRA to complete paperwork and earned their Commercial Drone certificates. Congrats to Eric and Jason for all their hard work on this license. We are sure it’s the toughest checkride they will ever take 😉
For more information on how to obtain this certificate, please visit the FAA’s webpage.

First Solo – Richard Lee
Jun 23 2016Solo Date: June 22, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
On a warm, calm summer morning, Richard, who comes to us from Vancouver, B.C., left his instructor Jason on the ground at Reid-Hillview airport to take to the skies for his first solo flight. Little did he know that tower would fly a pipeline helicopter right under his final approach path to runway 31R! Keeping his cool, Richard maneuvered over the helicopter and settled gently onto the runway. Flying is constant learning and experience, so congrats on handling the challenges aviation introduces.
P.S. He is a Canucks fan, but we don’t hold that against him 😉

First Solo – Paul Weller
Jun 06 2016Solo Date: May 31, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Jamie Redding
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Paul grew up in the backseat of his father’s C190 and later Navion. He started his private pilot training 20 years ago, but discontinued due to life events. Now retired, Paul plans to finish his Private Pilot License, get his glider rating, as well as maintain currency flying a Cessna 172. He flies because it’s fun!

New Sport Pilot – Duncan Clark
May 25 2016Date: May 24, 2016
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Certification: Sport Pilot License
Duncan Clark successfully completed his Sport Pilot checkride! We love making new pilots 🙂 Duncan started his checkride with examiner Jim Henson at 8 am in Sacramento, arriving back at Reid hillview at 4 pm. Duncan has been trained by instructor Jason primarily in SportStar 712MF.
Way to kick butt, Duncan!

New Private Pilot – Hao Dong
Feb 27 2016Date: Feb 26, 2016
Certification: Private Pilot, Cessna 172
Location: Reid-Hillview, San Jose, CA
“Thank you for the greatest training at Aerodynamic! I want to thank Eric and Coby, and all instructors that flew with me: Jen, Ron, David Waksberg, Jason, Jim, Tom, Batelle, Sergey, Casey. I really flew with many instructors here 😉 I’m heading towards IR and acrobatics now.” ~ Hao
Way to go, Hao!!! We heard you did an excellent job on the checkride and it was a joy watching you succeed in earning your Private Pilot’s License. Now to prep you for the next checkride 🙂

New Private Pilot – Julio McWilliams
Feb 23 2016Date: Feb 23, 2016
Certification: Private Pilot, Tailwheel
Location: Reid-Hillview, San Jose, California.
On a beautiful winter’s day in California, student pilot Julio MacWilliams became a Private Pilot. He passed his checkride in Citabria N1806G with DPE Scott Rohlfing. A huge congratulations to Julio and his instructors – Grainne, Tom and Jim. His next goal is a checkout in the Cessna 170. Way to fly a taildragger, Julio!!!

First Solo – Eric Middleton
Feb 13 2016Tailwheel private pilot student Eric Middleton soloed Citabria 9091L on January 28th at KRHV (Reid-Hillview airport) while instructor Tom Morley supervised. It’s an incredible achievement to take those first solo steps, especially in a taildragger. Well done, Eric and Tom!
Solo date: January 28, 2016
Tailwheel Instructor: Tom Morley