Pilot license
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New Certificated Flight Instructor – William Sun
May 16 2022CFI Checkride: April 18, 2022
Instructors: Jen Watson & Dick Chang
Aircraft: Cessna N6796H
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
AeroDynamic is very proud to welcome our newest instructor to the family. William trained for his CFI with our Chief Instructor Jen and senior instructor Dick Chang. Everyone’s hard work earned William a first-time pass on his CFI checkride with DPE Richard Conte. Very well done, all. That’s quite the achievement!

New Private Pilot – Mena Abdelmalak
May 03 2022Private Pilot Checkride: April 3, 2022
Instructor: Skyler, Daniel & Thao
Aircraft: Cessna N54102
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
From the cabin to the flight deck, Mena is making moves! Currently a flight attendant with a major airline, Mena is looking to transition to flying large aircraft for his career. We are all for it! Congrats on earning your first pilot belt on the way to the ATP certificate needed to fly for the airlines. It won’t be long now. Thanks for making us part of your journey!

New Private Pilot – Sicheng Xin
Apr 09 2022Private Pilot Checkride: March 21, 2022
Instructor: Zibin He
Aircraft: Cessna N968RC
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
CFI Zibin is on a roll with a second Private Pilot who successfully completed his checkride and earned a first-time pass with DPE Jon Thornton. Congrats to both!

New Private Pilot – Yipeng Zhou
Apr 07 2022Private Pilot Checkride: March 14, 2022
Instructor: Zibin He
Aircraft: Cessna N98485
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Congrats to Yipeng and CFI Zibin for a first-time pass of his Private Pilot checkride with DPE Jon Thornton!

New Instrument-rated Pilot – Trevor Orr
Mar 05 2022Instrument Checkride: March 1, 2022
Instructor: Zibin He
Aircraft: Cessna N54102
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Trevor Orr earned his instrument rating! Trevor picked up the checkride and nailed everything with DPE Scott Rohlfing to get his new rating. We are super proud of all his hard work on one of the most challenging checkrides.

New Sport Pilot – John DeRuiter
Nov 30 2021Sport Pilot Checkride: November 3, 2021
Instructor: Sergey Kataev
Aircraft: SportStar N712MF
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“I come from a flying family that has 2 retired KLM pilots and 1 KLM flight engineer and now a cousin that is also a pilot at KLM. I always wanted to fly and do have a paraglider rating but actual powered aircraft never seemed possible. Then a few years ago I decided to give it a go. I started at a school in Livermore and the plane I was learning in was a 1946 Champ, it broke and was taking forever to fix so I found Serge and started sport pilot training with him and the Aerodynamic team. It has taken me longer (not Serge’s fault) and has been more of an effort than I ever imagined it would be but it is an accomplishment that I am very proud of. I have a lot more respect now for people that go through pilot training especially when you figure out it’s not about being some hot shot in a plane but it’s about a whole lot more, actually you will be humbled and can leave the hot shot attitude at home. Also I have a lot more to learn. So I want to thank all of you for helping me get to this point in my flying adventure and am sure you’ll be seeing more of me at the school.” ~ John D.

New Private Pilot – Brian Baumgartner
Nov 16 2021Private Pilot Checkride: October 19, 2021
Instructor: Thao Do
Aircraft: Cessna N98485
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“Ever since seeing Top Gun for the first time as a child I wanted to be a pilot. After a few false starts in the past, I finally made it happen this year. While I knew it would be difficult, I never dreamed of the knowledge, skill, and determination required to make it happen. You truly will experience every emotion as you navigate the process, including elation when you finally achieve your goal. I could not have made it all the way without the help, support, and instruction provided by the CFIs and office staff at Aerodynamic Aviation, including Matt Fall, Chris Bonneau, Kevin Oliver, Graham Harbman, Daniel Sims, and especially my primary flight and ground school instructor, Thao Do, who spent countless hours with me in the classroom and cockpit fine tuning my skills and molding me into the pilot I am today.” ~ Brian

New Private Pilot – Cameron Fitchener
Oct 06 2021Private Pilot Checkride: September 14, 2021
Instructor: Graham Harbman
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“My Dad is a recreational Cessna driver back home in Australia who inspired me and was teaching me about stalls, pitch for speed, power for altitude while I was still in nappies. I have 4 kids who I’m hoping to inspire in a similar way.” ~ Cameron

New Private Pilot – Craig Stanley
Sep 27 2021Private Pilot Checkride: September 9, 2021
Instructor: Thao Do
Aircraft: Cessna N12234
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Congrats to Craig on a first-time pass of his Private Pilot checkride with DPE Tom Hornak! His instructor Thao is incredibly proud.

Aerobatic Seminar with SCFC
Sep 14 2021Our Chief Instructor, Jen Watson, and Assistant Chief Instructor, Lynzie Hudson, were honored to work with San Carlos Flight Center to present the webinar “Introduction to Aerobatic Flying.” You can view the 1-hour video presentation below.
For those interested in Aerobatics, Spin or Upset Recovery training, please contact our office for details on the variety of training we offer.
San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) hosts a wide variety and frequent WINGS seminars and webinars. Please click here to visit their website for current events.