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First Solo Flight – Akhil Dua
Sep 21 2021Solo Date: August 31, 2021
Aircraft: Cessna N968RC
Instructor: Clintton Spinelli
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Akhil worked incredibly hard to earn the privilege of flying solo in an airplane! His instructor Clintt is very proud of his determination and can’t wait to see him earn his Private Pilot License soon.

First Solo Flight – Brian Baumgartner
Sep 06 2021Solo Date: August 23, 2021
Aircraft: Cessna N968RC
Instructor: Thao Do
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“It was exciting to reach the first major milestone that everyone talks about in aviation: The Solo. We parked the plane and my instructor got out, after which this baby bird literally flew away from the nest. Even though we had practiced some 150 landings and 50 flight hours, the confidence and pride in my abilities made the first solo experience as monumentus and exhilarating as I was told it would be.” ~ Brian

New Commercial Pilot – Lukasz Weber
Sep 03 2021Commercial Pilot Checkride: August 21, 2021
Instructors: Thao Do
Aircraft: Cessna N968RC
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
We are so proud of you rocking out the Commercial checkride with a first-time pass! CFI next so you can teach with us?? 😉
“I’ve been flying for 2 years now and continue to love it. Privatepilot license opened the door, and Instrument training expanded my horizons, while making me a better pilot. At that point, I was well on my way to fulfilling my Commercial rating requirements and wanted to keep on getting better. I’m now flying my family around and being safer, smoother, more consistent is always on my mind. Thanks to
Thao’s instruction, great preparation, and persistence, I’ve now passed that challenge as well! I’d recommend a Commercial Rating for the precision landings and to become more consistent with the core maneuvers. The staff at AeroDynamic is awesome, and I couldn’t have done it without insights from Brian on landings, or the support from Matt, Edgar, Rebecca, and, of course, Josh (who I bother way too much).” ~ Lukasz

New Private Pilot – Scott Davis
Nov 06 2020Date: October 29, 2020
Instructor: Stephanie Procive
Aircraft: Cessna N968RC
Thank you for helping make my dream become a reality.” ~ Scott