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New Private Pilot – Ryann Powell
Sep 03 2019Date: August 31, 2019
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Jason Brown
Aircraft: Citabria N11681
“She’s a rock star!” are the words so many of us hope our Designated Examiner will say about us after our checkride. Sadly, very few us do well during that stressful test. However, Ryann (and most of us in the office) got to hear her examiner say this about her. Did we mention this was in a taildragger, too? Wow! But if you’ve flown with Ryann, you would say the same. After selling a car that she built, spending every spare dime on flying and dedicating all her free time studying, Ryann definitely earned her rock star title. CFI Jason couldn’t be more proud. Ryann plans to take her friends and family out to share the amazing views from the air. Next up – seaplanes and backcountry flying.
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