Light Sport
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New Sport Pilot – Jeff Fortner
Apr 16 2016Date: April 14, 2016
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: Lincoln, CA (KLHM)
Certification: Sport Pilot
Welcome to our family of aviators! Jeff passed his Sport Pilot checkride out of Lincoln airport with DPE Jim Hensen. Jeff trained out of our Reid-Hillview and plans to take his wife to Half Moon Bay for his first flight with a passenger. Congrats to you and your instructor for making this first checkride a “big, ol’ pass!”

First solo – Zak Freedman
Mar 26 2016Date: March 22, 2016
Aircraft: Evektor SportStar
Instructor: Casey Walker
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
UAV pilot and photographer, Zak Freedman, began Sport Pilot training in Monterey and recently soloed the SportStar out of our Reid-Hillview location. Zak came to us as a drone pilot but seems to have fallen in love with flying. After he finishes his Sport Pilot License, he plans to continue on with his Private Pilot License and possibly more. We tried to warn him – Aviation is Addicting! His instructor Casey did an excellent job teaching him the skills to fly solo and soon pass his checkride. Way to go, Zak & Casey!

First Solo – Kela Pinto
Feb 18 2016Kela comes to us from Hawaii to finish his Sport Pilot License. He owns his own company that flies UAVs.
Solo date: February 15, 2016
Aircraft: SportStar N712MF
Instructor: Tom Morley
First Solo – Jeff Fortner
Jan 16 2016Congratulation to Jeff Fortner on soloing 712MF! Jeff is now only a few short steps away from finishing up his Sport Pilot training and earning his license!
Thank you to CFI David Waksberg for all of your hard work and instruction getting Jeff ready for this once in a lifetime moment!
Four in 24!
Nov 20 2015We are proud to announce four passed checkrides in the last 24 hours!
We had 2 Private Pilot checkrides and a Sport pilot checkride today. Congratulations to Derek Eukel, Marton Kun-Szabo, and Carlo Chung! Congrats again to Matt Bragen on passing his CFI checkride.
Thank you to all of the AeroDynamic Aviation instructors and the DPEs who made this all happen!
First Solo – Derek Eukel
Jan 31 2015
Job well done for Derek Eukel who soloed in N712MF on a breezy, sunny afternoon! And Congrats to Sport CFI Daniel Most!
Congratulations Mike!!!
Aug 30 2014Congratulations to Mike Krueger who just passed his Sport Pilot checkride!! Another successful student from instructor Daniel Most! Congrats to you both 🙂
Mike Krueger is all smiles after passing his checkride. His lovely wife will be his passenger he says!
News: Champ and Taylorcraft are back!
Feb 23 2013Hi AeroDynamic Aviators
Both the Champ and Taylorcraft are back on line.
The Champ has had a new radio and intercom installation to replace the one that kept breaking down.
The Taylorcraft has merely been waiting for better weather and its annual inspection.
Where else can you fly a 1945 or 1946 airplane, with a manual “armstrong” starter system, just like your grandfather might have learned to fly in?
They definitely are an acquired taste, but they will help you hone your stick and rudder skills like no other plane.
I have test flown both and they are ready for you!
Going Solo: Mike Krueger
Dec 14 2012Another fledgling leaves the nest! Congratulations to Mike Krueger who flew SportStar 811EV on his own for the first time.
Well done to Mike and his Instructor Daniel Most.
Going Solo: Elmar Niewerth
Oct 14 2012Congratulations to Elmar Niewerth for soloing SportStar N712MF. Well done Elmar and his CFI Daniel Most!!
Elmar has been taking flying lessons towards his Sport Pilot license and we look forward to him becoming a certified pilot soon.