Instrument Rating
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Newest Pilots!
Jun 25 2020Evgenii Sikachev
Date: May 20, 2020
Certification: Instrument Rating
Instructors: James Hwang, Sara Stumpf & Scott Holland
Aircraft: Cessna N98485
Alex Ambrose
Date: May 26, 2020
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Cheryl Mitrus
Aircraft: Cessna N98485
Lukasz Weber
Date: June 6, 2020
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Cheryl Mitrus
Aircraft: Cessna N12234
Graham Harbman
Date: June 12, 2020
Certification: Certificated Flight Instructor
Instructor: Dick Chang
Aircraft: Cessna N12234
Randy Rerucha
Date: June 22, 2020
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Scott Holland
Aircraft: Citabria N9091L
Derrick Gendron
Date: June 22, 2020
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Mitchell Templeton
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H

New Instrument Rating – Mike Fritsche
Jun 12 2020Date: April 14, 2020
Certification: Instrument Rating
Instructor: Nathaniel Thorpe
Aircraft: Cessna N53456

New Instrument Rating – Zibin He
Sep 25 2019Date: September 19, 2019
Certification: Instrument Rating
Instructor: David Waksberg
Aircraft: Cessna N828LP
“Passing the instrument checkride is really a hard work pay off for me. After my private checkride, I jumped right into instrument almost without any break. Unlike all the beautiful things during private training, I only see one picture (the panel) all the time throughout the instrument training. It’s kind of a tolerate, but also discipline. It’s the pay off that I finally get my ticket to fly into clouds. I don’t plan to have any break and will do my commercial license training starting next week. Big thanks to David and everyone had ever helped me on my flight training.” ~Zibin

New Instrument Rating – Joseph Oberholtzer
Sep 23 2019Date: September 3, 2019
Certification: Instrument Rating
Instructor: Dick Chang
Aircraft: Cessna N54102
Joseph Oberholtzer grew up hanging out at his best friend’s house at the end of a grass strip (KO03) and hearing stories of bush flying into the remote native communities in Canada. He now works as an engineer in aviation and is starting to collect his own flying stories that only other pilots and small children will to listen to. His current goal is to convince someone to let him fly their Pawnee (or really anything) to drag other airplanes through the sky.
We are happy to be part of his story. Congrats on achieving this hard-won aviation milestone!

New Instrument Pilot – JP O’Dell
Dec 22 2016Date: November 27, 2016
Instructor: Anton Salameh
Certification: Instrument Rating
After studying with his father, an airline pilot and flight instructor, JP polished off his instrument skills with our Monterey instructor, Anton, who is also an airline pilot. According to the examiner, JP nailed his checkride on the first try. Way to go, JP! He plans to continue on to multi-engine so he can build PIC time in a family friend’s Baron, then add single-engine commercial and multi to his aviation belt. We are happy to help you in your journey.
Examiner: Yuzo Wakita
Aircraft: Cessna N62244
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)

New Instrument-Rated Taildragger Pilot!
Mar 04 2016Date: Feb 27, 2016
Certification: Instrument Rating, Citabria 7GCAA
Location: Salinas, CA
Jim Shumaker, president of the EAA chapter in Salinas and many more such accomplishments, once trained with Amelia Reid herself. He challenges himself regularly with aerobatics and backcountry flying, but more recently he earned his instrument rating in his own Citabria 7GCAA!
With a panel consisting of 6-pack analog instruments and VOR/DME, Jim mastered the challenges of flying in the clouds with a stick and rudder airplane. Jim trained with Chief Instructor, Jen Delp-Mallet, out of his home airport in Salinas, CA. She couldn’t be more proud of his hard work and dedication to mastering this rating. Congrats!!!
Jen’s Decathlon with Jim’s GCAA
Scholarship Recipient – Danielle Ray
Jan 16 2016 Danielle RayA huge congratulations to Danielle Ray, who became the proud recipient of the Monterey Bay 99s 2015 scholarship! Danielle earned her Private Pilot License with AeroDynamic and quickly moved on to flying taildraggers. She is currently studying for her instrument rating and works in the Monterey office during her spare time. We are so happy for you and wish you many such successes!
New Instrument Pilot – Gordon Landale
Nov 08 2015Congratulations to Gordon Landale, our newest IFR pilot! A big thank you to Anton Salameh for his instruction with Gordon and Erik Cook, his examiner for conducting his checkride. Gordon will be continuing on next to commercial training.
New Instrument Pilot – Kat Hanlon
Aug 24 2015 CFII Dick Chang, Kat Hanlon, and DPE Eric Cook after a successful Instrument checkride!Thank you to everyone at AeroDynamic Aviation for your instruction, guidance, and support throughout my Instrument training!
A special thank you to Dick Chang, who patiently worked through my altitude deviations, incomplete procedures, and messy DME arcs to get my skills up to standards. Your time and energy throughout all of my training is much appreciated!
New Instrument Pilot – Mike Winer
Mar 20 2015Mike Winer began his pilot training with CFI Jen Delp-Mallet in late 2013. After receiving his private pilot license in August 2014, he began working toward his instrument rating in his newly acquired Cesssna 206 turbo with Garmin 1000. Mike passed his checkride first attempt on March 17. We’ve watched you grow into such a capable pilot! Congrats from all of us, Mike.