Commercial Pilot
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First Solo – Brett Feldman
Feb 11 2016
Bret Feldman flew Cessna 61637 in the afternoon of February 3, all by himself! His flight instructor, Batelle wached her student fly the traffic pattern at Reid-Hillview airport on runway 31R. After Brett returned, our newest Commercial Pilot, Chadrac, brought pizzas to celebrate passing his Commercial Pilot check ride. Congrats to both!
Congratulations Scott Williams !!! Commercial Checkride Pass!
Nov 22 2014Congratulations to Scott Williams for passing his Commercial Checkride! Scott passes with flying colors under the watchful eyes of DPE Yuzo Wakita . Congratulations to CFII Jen Delp-Mallet for another successful student as well!
First Endorsement of the New Year: Mona Kendrick
Jan 02 2012The very first endorsement of the New Year happened in Salinas on New Year’s Day. Mona Kendrick earned her Complex Airplane sign off in our Cessna 172RG, N616SF, from Instructor Tom Conklin.
Mona’s next goal is to get her Commercial Pilot License.
Well done Mona and a Hapy New Year to you!
Holiday Quiz 2011 – Results
Dec 28 2011AeroDynamic Aviation Holiday Quiz 2011 Answers
- Match up the restaurant with the airport
1. Columbia Jack Douglass Saloon
2. Half Moon Bay Barbara’s Fishtrap
3. Lee Vining Whoa Nellie Deli
4. Livermore Beeb’s Sportsbar & Grill
5. Redding Peter Chu’s Skyroom
6. Monterey Peninsula Golden Tee
7. Palo Alto Ming’s
8. Salinas The Landing Zone
9. Sonoma County Sky Lounge
10. Watts Woodland Yolo Fliers Club
- Where, other than Frazier Lake, can you land on a grass runway?
- Which airport is named after the creator of the Peanuts cartoons?
Charles M. Schultz, Sonoma County
- The use of alcohol and drugs by pilots is regulated by CFR 91.17. Among other provisions, this regulation states that no person may operate or attempt to operate an aircraft with a blood alcohol content of _0.04_% or greater.
- Match up the airport hazards
1. Oceano Be alert for kites flown along beach 1/2 mile west of ry
2. Klamath Glen Mountain flying experience recommended
3. Shelter Cove Expect Crosswinds, downdrafts and extdd periods of fog
4. Catalina Pilots cannot see acft on opposite ends of rwy
5. Gravelly Valley No Lndg on ry 19 due to hill NE of arpt
6. Lake Tahoe Arpt surrounded on E; S & W by rapidly rising terrain
- Where can you fly in to enjoy a Shakespeare play under the stars?
Ashland, OR
- You’re giving Santa a lift in Citabria N53893 (Empty weight including unusable fuel and oil is 1115.0 lbs, Moment=12042 inch-lbs). His weight is 260 lbs. Assuming you are a standard FAA weight of 170 lbs, how much fuel can you carry (to the nearest gallon)?
17.5 gallons
- For which girl will you have to fly not just cross-country, but across the continent?
Marianna Airport, FL (All others in California, except Jean, NV)
- You’re on final, inbound for landing, when Tower tells you to Go around. What do they want you to do?
Climb back up and continue round the pattern
- Which of these airports qualify as Cross Country destinations from Reid Hillview?
Harris Ranch, Kingdon, Napa, Oceano (over 50 miles away)
- Where can you land on a dry lakebed?
Ocotillo Wells
- Which is the odd one out?
Weed (yep, it’s not a tree!)
- You’re enjoying a holiday party, but you have an early flight at 7:30am tomorrow morning. When must you stop drinking any more alcohol?
11:30pm (8 hours bottle to throttle)
- Where can you fly in to visit the fictional town of Cabot Cove, Maine as shown in the TV series Murder She Wrote?
Little River for Mendocino
- Which airport is named after a well-known comedian?
Bob Hope, Burbank
- In which type of aircraft is a three point landing a BAD thing?
Nose wheel
- Where can you fly in for a Hot Springs experience where clothing is optional in the pools?
Sierraville Dearwater for Sierra Hot Springs
- Can you identify this lighthouse?
Point Sur
- Which of these airports qualify as Cross Country destinations from Salinas?
Half Moon Bay, Harris Ranch, Kingdon, Napa, Oceano, Stockton (over 50 miles away)
- Place these airports in order of pattern altitude – from lowest to highest
Calipatria 618’ MSL
Hayward Executive 652’
Furnace Creek 790’
Salinas 885’
Catalina 2602’
Trinity Center 3190’
Lake Tahoe 7500’
Lee Vining 7602’
Big Bear City 7952’
Mammoth Yosemite 8007’
- Where are these airport attractions?
1. San Carlos Hiller Aviation Museum
2. King City Sean Tucker Aerobatic School
3. Nut Tree Vacaville Outlet Mall
4. Petaluma Airport Muse
5. Lee Vining Mono Lake
- How many public airports are there in California where the runway is BELOW sea-level?
6: Furnace Creek -210’, Calipatra -182’, Brawley -128’, Jacqueline Cochran -115’, Salton Sea -84’, Imperial -54’
- Tower tells you that you’re Cleared for the option. What have they given you permission to do?
Land on the specified runway
Make a stop and go landing
Make a touch and go landing
Make a low pass over the airport
- Match up the airport names
1. Little River
2. Lone Pine
3. Long Beach
4. Lost Hills
5. Red Bluff
6. Round Valley
- Which is the odd one out?
Spaceport America Airport, Truth or Consequences, NM is the only one that is actually a spaceport, purpose built for commercial space operations.
News: Avionics Upgrade for Cessna 616SF (C172RG)
Dec 07 2011Everyone who has flown 616SF will be delighted to hear that we have started a comprehensive avionics upgrade.
The upgrade includes:
Garmin GTN 650 touch screen WAAS IFR GPS/NAV/COM/ILS
King KX155 digital flip flop NAV/COM
PS Engineering intercom
Trig TT21 Mode S transponder with TIS traffic
JPI EDM700 4 cylinder engine monitor

Garmin GTN 650
What is the GTN 650?
It is Garmin’s replacement for the GNS430W. No more twiddling knobs, everything is accessed from the touch screen! Full WAAS capability including LPV and GPS approaches as well as all the usual ILS/VOR and communications capabilities. So instrument students and instrument rated pilots will not be limited to airports that have an ILS or VOR approach, but virtually any local airport will be open to them.
For example, Salinas has a GPS approach to runway 13 with minimums of 455′ agl and an LPV approach to 31 with a DA of 200′ agl, Hollister has an LPV approach with minimums of just 323′ agl, Reid Hillview LPV 31R minimums are only 379′ AGL)
Of course, VFR pilots can use it too.
There will be a learning curve, so I suggest you start preparing now:
Here’s a link to the Garmin manuals download page.
Here’s a link to Garmin’s training center videos.
There’s also a simulator for your PC downloadable from Garmin.
As for the Trig transponder, check out the Trig Web Page
The JPI Instruments documentation download Web page is here.
We have added Garmin GTN 650 and Trig TT21 manual links to our Useful Documents web page. Take a look.
So the good old plane is getting some great new avionics. I hope you’ll like what you see and fly her a lot!
News: Customer Appreciation Holiday Quiz
Dec 05 2011We are trying something new!
On our Web site, you’ll find our Customer Appreciation Quiz. Real questions which will challenge, educate and amuse you. And real prizes – a $100 gift card for Harris Ranch Restaurant Inn and Shop, “The Proficient Pilot” boxed set of three books by Barry Schiff, and three AeroDynamic T-shirts.
Who can try the quiz? Anyone, but not everyone can win.
Who can win? Any customer who has flown with us during 2011.
Who cannot win? Staff and families of AeroDynamic Aviation, or anyone who has not flown with us in 2011. But of course you can still try the quiz and maybe win bragging rights for your erudition.
Other rules are on the Quiz Web page. Quiz closes midnight PST on Dec 25 and results will be announced on Dec 27.
New Multi Engine Pilot: Brian Hsu
Oct 22 2011Our own Brian Hsu has been working hard! Brian added his Multi Engine Instrument Commercial rating to his pilot license. Brian took his flying lessons with AeroDynamic CFI Sergey Sinyachkin in the Beech Duchess and aced his flight test with Examiner Sherry Diamond.
Congratulations and well done to Brian and Sergey.
New Webinar – “Checklists – Why? What? How?”
Oct 07 2011From the FAA Safety Team :
“LIVE WEBINAR; Checklists – Why? What? How?
Offered 3 Different Times on Oct. 18!”
Topic: Developing and Using Effective Checklists in General Aviation
On Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 3:00PM, 8:00PM and 10:00 PM EASTERN, or 12:00Noon, 5:00PM and 7:00PM Pacific.
Bright Spot, Inc.
Hilton, NY 14468
Select Number:
This live webinar is intended to increase the pilot’s awareness of how effective and efficient checklist usage can actually lower the pilot’s workload and increase safety. Even the most simple airplane can be flown more safely by incorporating appropriate checklists. See here for details on how to participate in this exciting FREE webinar!
To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.
The sponsor for this seminar is: The FAA Safety Team
The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:
Basic Knowledge 3 – 1 credit
Click here to view the WINGS help page
Over 136,600 pilots earned WINGS credits last year. Will you, this year?
New Commercial Pilot:Brian Hsu
Aug 22 2011We have a brand new Commercial Pilot license holder! Brian Hsu aced his commercial pilot checkride today with Examiner Sherry Diamond in our Cessna 172RG, 616SF.
Well done Brian and big thanks go also to his CFI Sergey Sinyachkin.
Certified Gyroplane Instructor
Mar 21 2011Not satisfied with just getting his Commercial Gyroplane license, AeroDynamic CFI Sergey Sinyachkin also earned his Gyroplane CFI! Here he is with both his new certificates.

Gyroplane CFI
Congratulations Sergey!