Commercial Pilot
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New Commercial Pilot – Nick Vandevoorde
Oct 03 2017Date: September 14, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Commercial Pilot
Congrats to Nick for earning his Commercial Pilot License! After Private Pilot and Instrument Rating, the Commercial license is the next step in becoming a professional pilot – it allows you to be paid to fly. From this achievement, pilots can continue on to either earn their CFI (Certificated Flight Instructor) or become a commercial operator flying tours, cargo, skydivers, etc. We wish Nick lots of success in his future and were glad to be a part of it!
Examiner: Jeff Hitzberg
Aircraft: Cutlass N616SF
Checkride Location:
Hayward, CA (KHWD)

New Commercial Pilot – Saul Meza
Aug 14 2017Date: August 3, 2017
Instructor: Lynzie Hudson
Certification: Commercial Pilot
Congratulations to Saul Meza, who passed his Commercial ASEL checkride in Cessna 737ZD. Saul worked hard for this checkride and deserved his pass! Well done.
Saul is headed to Peru to relax with his girlfriend after spending the last month at Aerodynamic Aviation, San Jose, training for his single engine checkride with CFI Lynzie Hudson.
Examiner: Eric Cook
Aircraft: Cessna N737ZD
Checkride Location:
San Jose, CA (KRHV)

New Commercial Pilot – Adjie Pamungkas
Aug 08 2017Date: August 1, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Commercial Pilot

Examiner: Jeff Heitzeberg
Aircraft: Cessna N4604V
Checkride Location:
Hayward, CA (KHWD)

New Commercial Pilot – Nishant Veluthedath
Aug 03 2017Date: July 28, 2017
Instructor: Ron Vlastelica
Certification: Commercial Pilot
On Friday, Nishant met with Vince Nastro in Tracy. Nishant had previously done both his private and instrument ratings with Vince. The day started out with light winds and cooler temperatures. By the time the flight portion started around 1330, the temperature was 33 degrees C. Winds were picking but under 10kt. When they arrived back for their landings and 180 engine-out, the winds were 270 at 18 with gusts to 24 kt.
Examiner: Vice Nastro
Aircraft: Cessna N4604V
Checkride Location:
Tracy, CA (KTCY)

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Reid Raisanen
Feb 16 2017Date: February 14, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Multi-engine Commercial Pilot
Guess what Reid was up to this Valentine’s Day? Earning a first-time checkride pass…multi-engine add-on to Commercial Pilot Certificate! Reid is a flight instructor at another great flight school in the Bay Area, and he came to AeroDynamic to fly our Twin Comanche with Instructor David. Congrats to them both on this hard-earned rating. Thanks for flying with us and have fun at the airlines!
“I started flying at 16 in Minnesota and since the economy improved, picked it up again seriously at 26. Since I have all requirements for ATP but multi, I asked around SCFC, where I instruct, for a recommendation. I learned about David and Aerodynamic, flew until it was done. People were friendly, the location was solid, and the airplane was maintained well. Next I will continue the airline interview process. Hope the economy stays strong!” ~ Reid
Examiner: Yuzo Wakita
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Checkride Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)

New Multi-Engine Pilot – John Drozdowsky
Jan 31 2017Date: January 26, 2017
Instructor: David Waksberg
Certification: Multi-engine Commercial Pilot
John came to us from Anchorage, Alaska, to earn his multi-engine commercial pilot certificate. Instructor David worked long days with John to complete the ground and flight portions of the transition to multi-engine. After a few weather delays, John passed his checkride with examiner Yuzo and flew back to Alaska the same afternoon. Congrats to them both on all the hard work!
Examiner: Yuzo Wakita
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Checkride Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)

New B25 Pilot – Instructor Dick Chang
Nov 29 2016Long-time AeroDynamic Aviation instructor Dick Chang recently knocked a big item off his Bucket List: Type-rated B25 pilot!
Upon signing up for the course, he received a flight suit, POH, and 64 questions to work on – all before showing up for training in Delaware. After 10 hours of ground school, followed by 3 hours in the B25 called “Panchito” the following day with another student, he performed the required airwork and 3 takeoffs and landings according to FAR 61.55. Upon successful completion of the checkride, Dick received a SIC type rating on the B25!
Congrats from all of his family at AeroDynamic on this amazing achievement!

New Commercial Multi-Engine Pilot – Ghyrn Loveness
Nov 07 2016Date: October 20, 2016
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Certification: Multi-Engine Rating, Commercial Pilot
Ghyrn comes from a family of flyers and chose AeroDynamic Aviation to pursue a multi-engine rating add-on to his Commercial Pilot Certificate. His Instructor David did an amazing job, finishing the training in just 8 flights! It helps that Ghyrn flies regularly and has accrued over 1,000 hours 🙂 Still, they both worked hard and Ghyrn passed his checkride first attempt with Examiner Yuzo Wakita. Ghyrn has already been spotted taking friends out flying in the Twin Comanche, affectionately called “Twinkie.” Well done!

New Commercial Pilot – Gordon Landale
Oct 17 2016Date: October 23, 2016
Instructor: Jen Delp-Mallet
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Certification: Commercial ASEL
Look at that smile! Gordon completed his Commercial Airplane Single-Engine Land pilot certificate on a blustery Friday afternoon with Designated Pilot Examiner Eric Cook out of Paso Robles. After nailing Eights-on-Pylons and the infamous Power-off 180, Gordon is now able to fly for hire! In fact, we just hired him to fly tours out of Monterey 🙂
Congrats on all your hard work. Now…on to the CFI!

New Commercial Drone Pilot – Tom Morley
Sep 26 2016
Another of AeroDynamic’s instructors and summer-time agriculture pilot, Tom Morely, earned his Small UAV operator’s certification on September 20th. There’s isn’t much he can’t fly. Way to add another notch in the belt, Tom!
For more information on how to obtain this certificate, please visit our webpage on UAV/drone licensing – click here.