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New CFII – Adam Sciupac
Nov 30 2017Congrats to one of our own! Adam passed his Certificated Flight Instructor – Instrument (CFII) checkride just a few hours ago. He should also have his Commercial Multi-Engine Certificate in a few days. Adam began his flight training with AeroDynamic a couple of years ago and has progressed very quickly. We are so proud of you, Adam!

New B25 Pilot – Instructor Dick Chang
Nov 29 2016Long-time AeroDynamic Aviation instructor Dick Chang recently knocked a big item off his Bucket List: Type-rated B25 pilot!
Upon signing up for the course, he received a flight suit, POH, and 64 questions to work on – all before showing up for training in Delaware. After 10 hours of ground school, followed by 3 hours in the B25 called “Panchito” the following day with another student, he performed the required airwork and 3 takeoffs and landings according to FAR 61.55. Upon successful completion of the checkride, Dick received a SIC type rating on the B25!
Congrats from all of his family at AeroDynamic on this amazing achievement!

New Commercial Drone Pilot – Tom Morley
Sep 26 2016
Another of AeroDynamic’s instructors and summer-time agriculture pilot, Tom Morely, earned his Small UAV operator’s certification on September 20th. There’s isn’t much he can’t fly. Way to add another notch in the belt, Tom!
For more information on how to obtain this certificate, please visit our webpage on UAV/drone licensing – click here.
Our Amazing Staff at Reid-Hillview Celebrates the Holidays
Dec 14 2015-
- The entire family, including supportive significant others
Thanks to all the incredible people who devote their time to making new pilots and passing on their love of aviation to future generations. AeroDynamic Aviation would not be the amazing place it is without this hard-working group of staff and instructors, our aviation family. Special thanks also goes to those significant others who support them.
Happy Holidays from all of us to you and yours!
Four in 24!
Nov 20 2015Congratulations to Matt Bragen on becoming a Certified Flight Instructor! This is an amazing accomplishment and we are proud to see him pass his checkride and join us in training more pilots! A special thank you to CFII Dick Chang for getting Matt prepared for this complex checkride!

Matt Bragen, CFI
New AeroDynamic Instructor
May 13 2015Congratulations to Casey Walker and his CFI Jen Delp-Mallet!!
AeroDynamic is pleased to announce we have a new instructor joining our ranks! Casey initially completed his tailwheel training with us, and yesterday finished his CFI (flight instructor) checkride with Jordan from SJC FSDO. You will find Casey teaching primarily at our Monterey and Salinas locations, and soon he will be teaching in our tailwheel aircraft at all 3 locations. Great job on all the hardwork, Casey!
A New CFI! Congrats Sarah!
Jan 22 2015Congratulations to Sarah Memmer who passed her CFI checkride with Jeff Ebey! Sarah has been working diligently the last few months with CFII Jen Delp-Mallet.
We wish her the best of luck in the adventures of instructing!
Checkride Pass!!! – Congrats
Oct 24 2014Congratulations to Artur Pilipenko for passing his Private Pilot checkride today with DPE Scott Rohlfing! Thanks to all the flight instructors that helped make this possible .. Patrick C., Mark G., Jennifer D., Zdravko P. and more! Another tailwheel pilot is amongst us and we couldn’t be more ecstatic, best of luck and happy landings Artur !!!
New Taildragger Pilot amongst us! – Congrats Zach S.
Oct 02 2014Congrats to our CFII Zach Sacchette who just added a tailwheel endorsement to his list! He’ll be up for grabs for tailwheel training soon enough
Spot Landing prize for AeroDynamic Instructor Mark Guerrero
Mar 18 2013Congratulations to AeroDynamic Flight Instructor Mark Guerrero who landed second prize in the spot landing contest at Columbia Airport (O22) at the weekend, in a Cessna 195.
Thanks to Jan Johnson whose plane it was and who is getting checked out in her new plane by Mark
Well Done Mark!