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Complex Endorsed: Dave Presta
Oct 08 2012Congratulations to Dave Presta who earned his complex endorsement with CFI Rene Garcia in N616SF.
Cessna 8RC now has a DME
Oct 07 2012We have added a DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) unit to Cessna 968RC (one of our Cesna 172P planes in Salinas).
So what, you may ask. It turns out that a DME allows a huge number of instrument approaches to be flown that cannot be flown with just two NAV radios and ADF. For example Monterey LOC/DME 28L which is the most commonly used approach into Monterey. Other approaches can be flown more accurately with a DME and sometimes to lower minima. Yet unlike most GPS navigators, a DME is simple to configure and simple to use.
Enjoy it!
New Instrument Pilot: Pablo Vasquez
Sep 28 2012We have a brand new instrument rated pilot! Congratulations to Pablo Vasquez who earned his instrument rating in N54102 (Cessna 172P) after flying with CFI Sergey Sinyachkin. Examiner Sherry Diamond was duly impressed and signed off on Pablo’s instrument ticket.
Well done Pablo and Sergey.
New Avionics Bus and Master Switch for Cessna 637 (plus a couple of other improvements)
Sep 14 2012We recently did a number of improvements to N61637, our 1975 Cessna 172M.
The most immediately noticeable to pilots is the installation of an avionics master switch. This may sound a simple thing, but it is not. To do it, the electric bus had to be split in two and all avionics connected to the second one, behind the new switch. Many hours of work, hanging upside down under the panel, was needed.
Pilots now just need to turn the avionics master on and off, it is no longer necessary or even recomended to turn each radio on and off separately.
Please remember, NEVER turn the avionics master on before the engine is started, and ALWAYS turn it off before the engine is shut down! See also the article on alternator problems.
In addition to the avionic work, we took the opportunity to rebuild the nosewheel strut assembly and also to install a new flap motor.
A big “Thank you” to Victory Aero for doing the work so quickly.
As always, do remember to check the AeroDynamic Aviation web site regularly. We recently added more Pilot Operating Handbooks to our “Useful Documents” section
Going Solo: Robert Laczko
Aug 27 2012Congratulations to Robert Laczko for soloing Cessna N98485. Well done to Robert and his CFI Mark Guerrero!!
New Private Pilot: Jim Crawford
Jul 03 2012Congratulations to Jim Crawford who passed his Private Pilot checkride with Examiner Sherry Diamond in Cessna N61637. Well done to Jim and his CFI Rich Digrazzi. Way to go!!
N53456 is coming!
Jun 27 2012Our latest addition to the fleet is on her way. Father and son team, Mark and Mike Nelson are flying it from Florida. As I type this they are in Carlsbad, NM, and by tomorrow they ought to be here. Check out their flight track here.
‘456 is a 1981 Cessna 172P. She has a Garmin 430W IFR approach approved GPS/NAV/COM, plus a Garmin 327 digital solid state transponder and a PS Engineering intercom.
She is scheduled to start work at Salinas this weekend. Until you can fly her, here are some pictures.
Going Solo: Mike Bourne
Jun 27 2012Another AeroDynamic Fledgling leaves the nest! Congratulations to Mike Bourne who soloed Cessna 54102 under the watchful eyes of CFI Jen Delp-Mallett.
Well done Mike and Jen.
Going Solo: Matthew Main
Jun 20 2012Congratulations to Matthew Main who soloed Cessna N98485! Way to go Matt and CFI Dick Chang!!
Going Solo: Andrew Snyder
Jun 04 2012Congratulations to Andrew Snyder who proved his private pilot training is going well by soloing N61672! Well done to both him and his CFI Godfrey Watson!