ATC Communications
Feb 23 2016 · 0 comments · Events, Flight Training, Instructors, NewsAeroDynamic Aviation gives a big thank you to our CFI Jason Brown for organizing an event designed to keep up communications between our busy Reid-Hillview air traffic controllers and the students, pilots and instructors they work with daily. Last Saturday and Sunday Jason, Jen, Josh, Batelle and Geoff (AeroDynamic pilots) took more than 10 local controllers up for flights around Southeast San Jose.
While the controllers learned to pilot the aircraft (J3 Cub, Champ, Citabria and SportStar) and work the radios from the other side of the glass, their instructors showed them some of the well-known VFR checkpoints and how difficult it can be to spot other aircraft, especially when “number 5” in the pattern with dual runways. We are very appreciative of all they do to handle the high volume at our busy airport! Thanks for being part of our family for a day and seeing how the other side works