for January, 2023

New Private Pilot – Anand Agrawal
Jan 26 2023Private Pilot Checkride: January 22, 2023
Instructor: Bradley Collins
Aircraft: Cessna N54102
School Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
We love making pilots. It feeds our flight school soul. We are delighted to introduce our newest pilot success story – Anand! He and CFI Bradley worked incredibly hard to make this checkride happen, especially getting all the requirements done with the weeks of stormy weather cancelling many of his planned solo cross-country flights. Well done on working through the challenges and passing your checkride on the first attempt!

New Private Pilot – Stephen Sun
Jan 26 2023Private Pilot Checkride: January 21, 2023
Instructor: Tyler Peck
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H
School Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Another pilot earns his wings! A big “waaahoooo” to Stephen and CFI Tyler on a job well done. We hope Stephen enjoys his first set of wings and exploring the countryside from the air. That $300 hamburger tastes so good when you didn’t need an endorsement to fly there!
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