for October, 2022

First Solo Flight – Rahul Gaikwad
Oct 14 2022Solo Date: September 25, 2022
Aircraft: Cessna N61637
Instructor: Shaz Widhani
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Congrats to Rahul for completing his first solo! After taking a break for family, Rahul came back, knocked off the rust, and enjoyed his three solo laps in the pattern on a beautiful Sunday morning. Now on to cross country flights!

New Private Pilot – Yujie Xu
Oct 14 2022Private Pilot Checkride: July 25, 2022
Instructor: Zibin “Benny” He
Aircraft: Cessna N54102
School Location: San Jose, CA (KSJC)
A bit late, but a big we send a big “well done” out to Yujie and his CFI Benny for making the trek to Sacramento’s McClellan airport and passing a checkride with DPE Richard Conte.
Mr. Conte passed away in October and is extremely missed. Yujie was very fortunate to have a checkride with Richard before he left us.
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