for June, 2021

New Multi-Engine Instructor – Evgenii Sikachev
Jun 29 2021Date: June 15, 2021
Certification: Multi-engine Instructor (MEI)
Instructor: Lynzie Hudson
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Welcome to the family! Evgenii completed all his training from Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI), Instrument Instructor (CFII) and now Multi-engine Instructor (MEI) with AeroDynamic Aviation. We are so delighted to welcome him to our instructor roster. He is already hard at work on training to fly from the backseat of our Citabria to add teaching tailwheel to his credentials!

New Private Pilot – Ken Takeuchi
Jun 26 2021Date: June 2, 2021
Instructor: Graham Harbman
Aircraft: Cessna N54102
A big wahooooooo to Ken and CFI Graham for passing the Private Pilot checkride and earning that first license. Oh, the places it can take you! Enjoy exploring the skies, Ken.

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Daniel Sims
Jun 24 2021Date: May 25, 2021
Certification: Commercial Multi-engine
Instructor: Lynzie Hudson
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
First Solo Flight – Cameron Fitchener
Jun 17 2021Solo Date: June 8, 2021
Aircraft: Cessna N9027H
Instructor: Graham Harbman
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Cameron knew he would one day learn to fly, ever since he flew in the right seat beside his Dad at a young age. Now with a family of his own, he hopes to pass on the same passion for aviation to his children and open up a world of adventure for his family. Congrats on this first milestone!!