for November, 2018

New Multi-Engine Instructor – Petra Johansson Holland
Nov 27 2018Date: November 15, 2018
Certification: Multi-Engine Instructor
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Instructor: Jen Watson
We are so pleased to have Petra flying with us and soon teaching with us! Petra and her husband Scott came to fly our Twin Comanche. Soon after, Scott began tailwheel with us, and Petra re-instated her CFI, CFII and added MEI to her list of flying capabilities. After a trip to her home in Finland, Petra will be back to teach future multi-engine students. Way to make a first-time pass of this checkride!

First Solo Flight – Randy Rerucha
Nov 26 2018Solo Date: October 27, 2018
Aircraft: Citabria 9091L
Instructor: Scott Holland
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“This is my second solo since soloing years ago at the age of 17, but this time it’s in a tailwheel aircraft. I’m looking forward to earning my PPL and continuing my flight training beyond.” ~ Randy
Flying solo is an incredible experience too few people ever realize. To get the experience twice is remarkably lucky. Go, Randy!!!

First Solo Flight – Bill Reed
Nov 08 2018Solo Date: October 30, 2018
Aircraft: Citabria 9081L
Instructor: Batelle Rachmian
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
With a family history steeped in aviation roots, Bill decided it was time to buy an airplane and learn how to fly it. Years ago, he learned to fly an Aeronca Champ off a grass runway. On Oct 30, his solo dreams came true as he flew his Citabria 7GCAA around the pattern at Reid-Hillview Airport. Bill’s wife, a licensed pilot, has also been flying his plane to get current again after years of not flying. We are excited to see what kinds of adventures these two get up to soon!