for September, 2018

First Solo Flight – Ruofan Ding
Sep 25 2018Solo Date: September 11, 2018
Aircraft: Citabria 9091L
Instructor: Batelle Rachmian
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
“I really liked riding roller coasters when I was a kid, and flying gives me the same feeling as riding on a roller coaster: a sense of excitement and freedom. I hope soon I can do aerobatics and say the same line Maverick said in the movie Top Gun, ‘Because I was inverted.’ ” ~ Ruofan

New Private Pilot – Alex Teplixky
Sep 25 2018Date: September 16, 2018
Certification: Private Pilot
Instructor: Jason Brown
Aircraft: Citabria N9091L
While taking a sabbatical from work, and despite a month of travel during training, Alex completed an accelerated Private Pilot course in the Citabria and earned his license this month. Hard work and perseverance allowed him to achieve his goal. Special thanks to all the instructors who helped him get enough ground and flight hours to make this happen. Well done, Alex!!!

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Kelsey Moore
Sep 24 2018Date: September 15, 2018
Certification: Commercial Multi-Engine
Aircraft: Twin Comanche N40DA
Instructor: David Waksberg & Jen Watson
While most of us would be thrilled to pilot such a single-engine plane like the Pilatus, Kelsey just added multi-engine rating to her license so she can qualify for airline and corporate jobs. With a dedication to studying that most of us only dream of having, Kelsey completely rocked her Commercial Multi-Engine checkride with Eric. We are so proud! And to celebrate…she hopped into her first tailwheel flight and now has another passion to pursue. Welcome to the AeroDynamic family, Kelsey!