for February, 2018

First Solo Flight – Chris Severs
Feb 06 2018Aircraft: Citabria N2508Z
Instructor: Lynzie Hudson
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Solo Date: January 31, 2018
Citabria N2508Z has been busy! Our newest student pilot solo goes to Chris Severs, who took 08Z around the pattern a few times on his first tailwheel solo. Chris began flight training many years ago in a Diamond Katana in SoCAL and recently started training for his Private Pilot Certificate in a tailwheel with Lynzie. Nicely done!

New Private Pilot – Greg Seibert
Feb 01 2018Date: January 26, 2018
Certification: Sport Pilot
Instructor: Logan Wright
Despite a few weather delays, Greg was able to complete his Sport Pilot checkride at Lincoln Airport. Greg’s interest in aviation began with RC airplanes. Now that he flies the full-size version, he’s planning to continue on to earn his A&P (Airframe & Powerplant) mechanic’s license. We definitely need more mechanics who fly, if nothing else so they don’t always think it’s the pilot’s fault 😉 Congrats on a checkride well done!