for December, 2016

First Solo Flight – Josh Bellinger
Dec 22 2016Solo Date: December 12, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Jamie Redding
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Congrats to Josh on his first solo flight! Instructor Jamie watched from below as Josh flew full-stop takeoffs and landings at Monterey’s class C airport.
“I grew up in Monterey and studied civil engineering at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. I worked as a structural engineer after graduation from college, got my engineering license, and eventually became a project manager for a local general contractor. My interest in flying began in 2014, just for fun, and then eventually, I got hooked! My plan is to continue training for my private pilots license. If all goes well, I would like continue my training further. Originally, I wanted to fly so that I could visit family. Now, I just love to fly because it is so much fun. Everyone in the flying community has been very supportive, and I am so very grateful to everyone at Aerodynamic Aviation whom has helped me on my journey into aviation.” ~ Josh

New Instrument Pilot – JP O’Dell
Dec 22 2016Date: November 27, 2016
Instructor: Anton Salameh
Certification: Instrument Rating
After studying with his father, an airline pilot and flight instructor, JP polished off his instrument skills with our Monterey instructor, Anton, who is also an airline pilot. According to the examiner, JP nailed his checkride on the first try. Way to go, JP! He plans to continue on to multi-engine so he can build PIC time in a family friend’s Baron, then add single-engine commercial and multi to his aviation belt. We are happy to help you in your journey.
Examiner: Yuzo Wakita
Aircraft: Cessna N62244
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)

First Solo Flight – Terry Xing
Dec 14 2016Solo Date: December 12, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Eric Curtis
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)

First Solo Flight – Trevor Orr
Dec 07 2016Solo Date: December 6, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Instructor David solos another one! Congrats to Trevor who completed the legendary 3 solo takeoffs and landings in Cessna N61637 at Reid-Hillview’s class D airport.
“I’ve been in touch with aviation since I was a kid. My dad built a Long EZ and took me flying around in it all through my youth.
After a lengthy repose in flying and flight training due to grad school, financials, and family, and spurred to action by some life-is-short moments, I’ve re-dedicated myself to returning to the air!
Short term, I’d like to get my private pilot’s license so that I can share my love of flying with my family and show them some of the places I used to wander as a kid, meet friendly aviation people, explore new places, and (of course) skip the long traffic commutes to visit family in San Diego during the holidays :)! Long term, I’d like to get an instrument rating and maybe even someday become a CFI!” ~ Trevor

First Solo Flight – Greg Seibert
Dec 05 2016Solo Date: November 22, 2016
Aircraft: Evektor SportStar
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Congrats to Greg on his first solo! Greg flew 3 takeoffs and landings at Reid-Hillview (KRHV) in the SportStar with Instructor David watching carefully.
“I’ve always been fascinated by things that fly. Becoming a pilot was on my ‘bucket list.’ On the first flight with David when he said, ‘Take the controls,’ I was forever hooked. Major Awesomeness ensued. It was the first time I was sitting in something that I was flying.
I’ve been flying various model aircraft using radio signals for over 30 years. Last year when the FAA announced its rules for piloting drones professionally, it finally gave me the justification for spending the time and money to become a pilot.
I’ve been an engineer for 36 years and am looking forward to doing something different. My Dream Retirement Job would be to fly UAS for a public safety organization. Getting my pilot’s license is the first step toward realizing that dream.