for September, 2016

New Commercial Drone Pilot – Tom Morley
Sep 26 2016
Another of AeroDynamic’s instructors and summer-time agriculture pilot, Tom Morely, earned his Small UAV operator’s certification on September 20th. There’s isn’t much he can’t fly. Way to add another notch in the belt, Tom!
For more information on how to obtain this certificate, please visit our webpage on UAV/drone licensing – click here.

New Multi-Engine Pilot – Qi Liu
Sep 26 2016Date: September 23, 2016
Instructor: Ron Vlastelica
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Certification: Multi-Engine Rating
Qi Liu came to us as an instrument-rated private pilot who owns and flies how own Bonanza A36. With just over 200 hours of flight time already, plus complex and high performance endorsements, Qi took to our Piper Twin Comanche easily under the guidance of his CFI Ron. His training included engine shutdowns and restarts, single-engine instrument approaches, stall recognition and recovery, and much more to add a multi-engine rating to his private pilot certificate with examiner Yuzo Wakita. Congrats to Qi and we thank him for training with us!

New Private Pilot – Richard Lee
Sep 03 2016Date: August 29, 2016
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Certification: Private Pilot License
Starting early Monday morning, Richard met with Reid-Hillview examiner Yuzo Wakita for the Private Pilot checkride. Having spent a great deal of time studying and preparing for the practical test, he was in and out of his checkride in record time, passing with flying colors! Well done to both Richard and his instructor Jason. Richard has since been seen sharing his passion for flying – taking the people in his life out for flights around the bay. That’s what it’s all about 🙂
“After 5 months of training with Jason, I’ve finally crossed flying off my bucket list. I’m very excited and looking forward to a lot of fun piloting to come in California as a hobby. Until then, who knows where life will take me.” – Richard

Two New Commercial Drone Pilots!
Sep 01 2016Quick to react to new Drone Pilot licensing policy, two AeroDynamic instructors hopped on IACRA to complete paperwork and earned their Commercial Drone certificates. Congrats to Eric and Jason for all their hard work on this license. We are sure it’s the toughest checkride they will ever take 😉
For more information on how to obtain this certificate, please visit the FAA’s webpage.

Cirrus Checkout – Ryan Radcliff
Sep 01 2016He’s drinking the Kool-Aid! Former Cirrus-pilot-turned-Bonanza-owner and Commercial pilot Ryan Radcliff recently came to Monterey while his Bonanza BE36TC is in the shop for paint and annual. Ryan reacquainted himself with the SR20 and transitioned to the new Garmin Perspective. His plans include a flight to Catalina and maybe a few hops over to his condo in Mammoth. Have fun!

New Sport Pilot – Deirdre Smith
Sep 01 2016Date: August 22, 2016
Instructor: David Waksberg
Location: Lincoln, CA (KLHM)
Certification: Sport Pilot License
Congrats to Deirdre and instructor David for a first-time pass on her Sport Pilot checkride!!! Deirdre flew to Lincoln airport for her practical test with examiner Jim Hensen. Despite the unfamiliar area, Deirdre navigated her way through the cross-country, diversion, and maneuvers with no problems. Welcome to the family!