for July, 2016

New Private Pilot – Samantha D’Costa
Jul 14 2016Date: July 14, 2016
Instructor: Jim Grant
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Certification: Private Pilot License
After soloing less than two months ago, Samantha earned her Private Pilot Certificate today with examiner Yuzo Wakita on her first attempt! She plans to fly a lot with her dad, John, throughout the summer, acting as his safety pilot. John earned his instrument rating with us and can now be found flying his beautiful Cirrus around the bay area. We are so honored to have trained this amazing and accomplished family of aviators! Happy flying to the both of you 😀

First Solo – Sheryl Martin
Jul 14 2016Solo Date: June 30, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Ron Vlastelica
Location: New Jerusalem, CA (1Q4)
Sheryl Martin flew her first solo at New Jerusalem airport, her second at San Martin airport (E16) and her third at her primary training airport, Reid-Hillview. She began training with Ron in her Cessna 172 with 180-hp.
Sheryl moves to Auburn in a few days but plans to continue her flight training with us, moving into cross-country training and checkride prep. Her instructor says she has done a great job with studying and made fast progress.