for June, 2016

First Solo – Adam Lantos
Jun 25 2016Solo Date: June 11, 2016
Aircraft: Citabria 7ECA
Instructor: David Pease
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
Like many of us, Adam’s interest in planes started when he was just a kid. And like so many of us, his addiction hit when another AeroDynamic pilot took him for a glider flight and Citabria flight. This led him to an introductory flight in the Cessna and Citabria, but he felt (ahem…correctly) that tailwheel was much more fun.
For right now Adam doesn’t have serious plans for a career in aviation; he just wants the experience of learning a new skill and mastering it. He feels flying the Citabria demands precision and discipline, but also rewards him with a feeling of accomplishment and a stronger pair of legs 🙂
Once the hard work of earning his Private Pilot’s License is out of the way, Adam plans to explore, have the perspective from above (watching all the little people stuck in traffic), and go to various places. Eventually he plans to continue his training to include some basic aerobatics, mountain flying lessons, and maybe take up IFR when he decides to venture out of California and travel farther afield.
From all of us aviation addicts – way to go and keep up the hard work, Adam!

New Private Pilot – Paul Cain
Jun 23 2016Date: June 23, 2016
Instructor: Jamie Redding
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Certification: Private Pilot License
Woooohooooo! Way to go! Paul Cain finished his training and earned his Private Pilot License today in one of our Monterey Cessna 172s. Examiner Yuzo Wakita put him through his paces, but Paul’s hard work and studying paid off with a first-time pass of his checkride. Instructor Jamie and the rest of us couldn’t be more proud of his accomplishment. See you in the air!

First Solo – Richard Lee
Jun 23 2016Solo Date: June 22, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Jason Brown
Location: San Jose, CA (KRHV)
On a warm, calm summer morning, Richard, who comes to us from Vancouver, B.C., left his instructor Jason on the ground at Reid-Hillview airport to take to the skies for his first solo flight. Little did he know that tower would fly a pipeline helicopter right under his final approach path to runway 31R! Keeping his cool, Richard maneuvered over the helicopter and settled gently onto the runway. Flying is constant learning and experience, so congrats on handling the challenges aviation introduces.
P.S. He is a Canucks fan, but we don’t hold that against him 😉

New Private Pilot – Dan Aguirre
Jun 20 2016Date: June 10, 2016
Instructor: Coby Sena
Location: San Martin, CA (E16)
Certification: Private Pilot License
Under the careful tutelage of Instructor Coby, Dan recently became a licensed private pilot! His checkride took place at San Martin airport, near Gilroy and Morgan Hill, with examiner Eric Cook. Dan plans to continue his flight training to become an airline pilot one day soon. He tackled this first step and is now on to earning an Instrument Rating!

First Solo – Paul Weller
Jun 06 2016Solo Date: May 31, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172
Instructor: Jamie Redding
Location: Monterey, CA (KMRY)
Paul grew up in the backseat of his father’s C190 and later Navion. He started his private pilot training 20 years ago, but discontinued due to life events. Now retired, Paul plans to finish his Private Pilot License, get his glider rating, as well as maintain currency flying a Cessna 172. He flies because it’s fun!