for February, 2016

New Private Pilot – Hao Dong
Feb 27 2016Date: Feb 26, 2016
Certification: Private Pilot, Cessna 172
Location: Reid-Hillview, San Jose, CA
“Thank you for the greatest training at Aerodynamic! I want to thank Eric and Coby, and all instructors that flew with me: Jen, Ron, David Waksberg, Jason, Jim, Tom, Batelle, Sergey, Casey. I really flew with many instructors here 😉 I’m heading towards IR and acrobatics now.” ~ Hao
Way to go, Hao!!! We heard you did an excellent job on the checkride and it was a joy watching you succeed in earning your Private Pilot’s License. Now to prep you for the next checkride 🙂

New Private Pilot – Suhas Joshi
Feb 26 2016Date: Feb 24, 2016
Certification: Private Pilot, Tailwheel
Location: Reid-Hillview, San Jose, California
“Thanks to the amazing staff at Aerodynamic Aviation for helping me achieve a life goal. Special thanks to CFIs Jason Brown, Tom Morley and Chief Instructor Jen Delp-Mallet for helping me sharpen my flying skills. Next goal – IFR!” ~ Suhas
It’s an incredible thing to be able to help someone achieve their dreams. AeroDynamic is exceptionally proud of all the hard work Suhas put into becoming not just a Private Pilot, but an extremely qualified one. It has been a joy to have him as part of the family and we can’t wait to see what he does with his flying. Way to earn your wings in a taildragger! Congrats to Suhas and his instructors.

ATC Communications
Feb 23 2016AeroDynamic Aviation gives a big thank you to our CFI Jason Brown for organizing an event designed to keep up communications between our busy Reid-Hillview air traffic controllers and the students, pilots and instructors they work with daily. Last Saturday and Sunday Jason, Jen, Josh, Batelle and Geoff (AeroDynamic pilots) took more than 10 local controllers up for flights around Southeast San Jose.
While the controllers learned to pilot the aircraft (J3 Cub, Champ, Citabria and SportStar) and work the radios from the other side of the glass, their instructors showed them some of the well-known VFR checkpoints and how difficult it can be to spot other aircraft, especially when “number 5” in the pattern with dual runways. We are very appreciative of all they do to handle the high volume at our busy airport! Thanks for being part of our family for a day and seeing how the other side works 🙂

New Private Pilot – Julio McWilliams
Feb 23 2016Date: Feb 23, 2016
Certification: Private Pilot, Tailwheel
Location: Reid-Hillview, San Jose, California.
On a beautiful winter’s day in California, student pilot Julio MacWilliams became a Private Pilot. He passed his checkride in Citabria N1806G with DPE Scott Rohlfing. A huge congratulations to Julio and his instructors – Grainne, Tom and Jim. His next goal is a checkout in the Cessna 170. Way to fly a taildragger, Julio!!!

First Solo – John Lorang
Feb 18 2016Solo date: February 5, 2016
Aircraft: Cessna 172 N915L
Instructor: Batelle Rachmian
Congrats to John Lorang for soloing Cessna 915L on runway 31L at Reid-Hillview on a beautiful, sunny day! His instructor Batelle watched carefully while he completed his first solo takeoffs and landings. Keep the landings soft, the shiny side up, and you’ll earn your Private Pilot wings soon!!

First Solo – Kela Pinto
Feb 18 2016Kela comes to us from Hawaii to finish his Sport Pilot License. He owns his own company that flies UAVs.
Solo date: February 15, 2016
Aircraft: SportStar N712MF
Instructor: Tom Morley

First Solo – Eric Middleton
Feb 13 2016Tailwheel private pilot student Eric Middleton soloed Citabria 9091L on January 28th at KRHV (Reid-Hillview airport) while instructor Tom Morley supervised. It’s an incredible achievement to take those first solo steps, especially in a taildragger. Well done, Eric and Tom!
Solo date: January 28, 2016
Tailwheel Instructor: Tom Morley

First Solo – Brett Feldman
Feb 11 2016
Bret Feldman flew Cessna 61637 in the afternoon of February 3, all by himself! His flight instructor, Batelle wached her student fly the traffic pattern at Reid-Hillview airport on runway 31R. After Brett returned, our newest Commercial Pilot, Chadrac, brought pizzas to celebrate passing his Commercial Pilot check ride. Congrats to both!

First Solo – Alex
Feb 08 2016First Solo Flight!
Congratulations to Alex on soloing Cessna 12234!
Thank you to CFI Eric Curtis, CFI Jason Brown, and CFI Batelle Rachmian for your awesome instruction and support!
Private Pilot Checkride Pass – Xiaoyang Gu
Feb 08 2016Checkride Passed!
New Private Pilot
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Gu on becoming a Private Pilot! Although weather was a force to be reckoned with, he finally got a VFR day and passed his checkride with DPE Scott Rohlfing.

Thank you to CFI Sergey Sinyachkin and CFI David Waksberg for preparing him to pass his checkride!