for August, 2011
Going Solo: Ed Tobiasz
Aug 25 2011It has only taken 40 years! That is the last time Ed Tobiasz soloed an airplane. However, undaunted by the passage of time Ed checked out in the Evektor SportStar with AeroDynamic CFI Jim Grant, and once again experienced the joy of flight.
Congratulations to Ed and his CFI Jim.
Going Solo: Justin Hand
Aug 24 2011Another fledgling leaves the nest! It must be the coming autumn. Justin Hand escaped from his instructor Erik Schmidt today and soloed Citabria 9091L.
Congratulations Justin, and well done to Erik, Derick, Jim and a few other AeroDynamic CFIs who helped Justin get to his solo so fast.
New Pilot: Laura Wenus
Aug 23 2011We have a new certified pilot: Laura Wenus earned her Private Pilot license today in Citabria 5032G, with Examiner Sherry Diamond. Congratulations Laura!
Thanks also to Laura’s instructor, Erik Schmidt, with several others helping to give Laura the flight time she needed before leaving for the East Coast tomorrow!
News: Salinas gets a Webcam
Aug 23 2011The airport management at Salinas has installed a webcam for your enjoyment and edification. It sits on the terminal looking at the ramp. Getting to it is somewhat complex but it does work as long as you have Java. Here are the instructions:
First type in the web address:
This will take you to a configuration screen. In the upper left hand corner click on “Viewer”. A security screen will then pop up. In the User Name Box type ramp cam (two words) in the Password Box type sns .
Many of you will then be directed to download and install an Active X Control. (Some of you may already have this installed). Follow the directions for downloading and installing the Active X Control (You may have to deal with your computers security system to accomplish this.)
Once the control is installed click on “Viewer” again. You will again receive a pop up screen for the security questions. Answer the questions the same as the first time this should get you to the webcam.
Good luck and enjoy!
New Commercial Pilot:Brian Hsu
Aug 22 2011We have a brand new Commercial Pilot license holder! Brian Hsu aced his commercial pilot checkride today with Examiner Sherry Diamond in our Cessna 172RG, 616SF.
Well done Brian and big thanks go also to his CFI Sergey Sinyachkin.
Going Solo: Michael Lancon
Aug 20 2011Another new fledgling! Michael Lancon soloed Champ 2791E after flight training with AeroDynamic CFI Daniel Most. Student, instructor, and airplane are all doing well after the experience 😉
Well done Michael and Daniel.
New Zlin Savage Pilot: Pierluigi Rolando
Aug 17 2011Congratulations to Pierluigi Rolando who added another airplane checkout to his portfolio. Pierluigi checked out in the Zlin Savage Cub with CFI Daniel Most.
Well done Pierluigi and Daniel
Going Solo: Sean Sweeney
Aug 17 2011Cessna 8RC
Another fledgling leaves the nest!
Congratulations to Sean Sweeney who soloed in a Cessna 172 at Salinas Airport. Well done Sean and CFI John Anzini.
Going Solo: Jim Crawford
Aug 15 2011He did it! Jim Crawford succcessfully soloed Cessna 61637. Congratulations to Jim, who made his first solo flight under a perfect cloudless sky. He departed the nest for three perfect landings, with his instructor and his family there to cheer him on!
Well done Jim and thanks also to Rich.
Andy Werback wins Bronze Lindy!
Aug 12 2011Congratulations to Andy Werback who won the Bronze Lindy at Oshkosh for his beautiful Lancair Legacy. Andy built the plane himself over the past few years and now he is enjoying the fruits of his labor. When not building airplanes, Andy is also pursuing his instrument rating at AeroDynamic.
Well done Andy, now about that ride … 😉