for May, 2011
Going Solo: Chris Barcelona
May 22 2011Another fledgling leaves the nest! Congratulations to Chris Barcelona who soloed Champ 2791E while Blake watched anxiously from the ground. Several excellent takeoffs and landings later Chris was safely back with a gigantic grin on his face.
Well done Chris and Blake.
News: Fly to McClellan and listen to General Chuck Yeager talk!
May 19 2011It does not happen very often, so when he choses to talk it is worth listening. The legendary pilot and the first man to break the sound barrier is giving a talk in nearby Sacramento, and you can fly in to hear him!
When: Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 2:30 PM
Where: right on McClellan field (MCC)
Aerospace Museum of California
3200 Freedom Park Drive
McClellan, CA 95652
General Yeager will share some of his experiences and how the lessons learned apply to flight safety. Note: This event has a modest cost that includes admission to the museum. Please access the Aerospace Museum of California website for admission cost and other information. To assure seat availability and Wings credit register online at
To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.
And wait, there’s more! This seminar also counts as one credit towards the FAA WINGS Safety program.
Book now, reserve a plane and listen to a living legend!
Going Solo: Zia Syed
May 19 2011News from Rich Digrazzi is a first solo for Zia Syed, on May 13th at about 0900. Under a cloudless morning sky, and with the airport maintenance crew performing right next to the runway, Zia completed 3 perfect full-stop landings and made Rich proud!
Going Solo: Robert Kwok
May 19 2011Congratulations to Robert Kwok who soloed in a Citabria under his CFI’s Dave Gray’s careful supervision. Well done Robert and Dave.
Flight to Yellowstone anyone?
May 11 2011
Old Faithful
AeroDynamic member Jack Liu is hoping to team up with one or more other pilots and organize a flying trip to Yellowstone.
Click here to check out the National Parks Service Yellowstone web site
Check also the Youtube video of flying to Yellowstone.
If you have not flown in the high country, we’ll work with you on your mountain checkout so you can be safe and have fun.
Anyone interested please email Jack directly on