for December, 2010
December 2010
Dec 31 2010Erik Brodsley Private Pilot
Congratulations to Erik Brodsley who passed his Private Pilot checkride with flying colors. Well done also to his instructors Seth Howell and Tom Conklin.
The more observant may have noticed that Citabria 9091L is not out on the ramp or on Schedulemaster any more. This is because she is in the hangar for a complete recover. I’ll post the occasional picture on our Facebook page.
Laura Wenus first solo
The first fledgling of December leaves the nest! Well done to Laura Wenus, who soloed a Citabria with CFI Erik Schmidt watching from the ground. Well done both.
Our AeroDynamic CFI Sergey Sinyachkin added a Helicopter Instrument Instructor to his long list of qualifications. Congratulations to Sergey!
N88353 is back! The aerobatic Citabria 7KCAB is back after a complete recover, new seats, and new 5 point acro seat belts.
Citabria N88353